Sloped Portion of Hopper Max Weight: {{ weightOfFullHopper }} LBS KG
Total Force Required: {{ forceRequired }} pounds of force N
PartNumber: {{ vibrator.PartNumber }}
The recommended vibrators shown are general options of what can be used for a single vibrator solution. The force required can be split between multiple vibrators. Multiple vibrators may be used if more force is required than a single vibrator. The force created by Pneumatic or Hydraulic Vibrators can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the flow. Electric Vibrators can adjust for force by adjusting the weight settings. Please contact Customer Service if needing multiple vibrators. Reasons include a size limitation due to tight clearances in your equipment, equipment wall thickness, very heavy material, etc. If you would like to use a piston vibrator or air blaster, please contact customer service for help in your equipment application.